Just a quick one before I crash.
We have to be up in six hours to drive to Ottawa to do our last hour of tech rehearsing at 10 am. We just finished our last show here in Montreal to a very receptive audience. Crude Love is fully on its feet! Only seven fringe festivals to go!
We will still be changing some of the writing and trying out new things as we travel across the country - like new endings and new lines and even new scenes. It's a process of trial and error to develop a new play, and while it makes us very nervous, there's no better way to do it.
We got two great reviews - one in the Montreal Mirror, and the other in the Ottawa Xpress. And a great article about the show in Ottawa's 24 Hours. You can read them all through our website, bigsmokeproductions.com.
And I have to say - I really love the one hour I get to act with my amazingly talented wife, Gillian. It is worth all the blood, sweat and tears - yes, even tears - to get our butts up there on stage. Both of us keep wondering whether we should continue in this profession, where there is no support, no security and no jobs, and that hour where we get to leave all the bullshit of our lives behind us, and just connect and play together, is the happiest hour of my day. Apart from lying together in bed. But lately, we fall asleep really fast. By Winnipeg, I think we'll have caught up on our sleep....
Anyway, I'm totally wandering here, so GOOD NIGHT MONTREAL. Thanks for the start to an amazing cross-Canada Fringe Festival tour! And thanks to our billets, Phyl and Peter, who have been the best hosts I could have ever imagined.
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